
Historical Database of Trade

Collection data:

Collection managers: Emília Kiss, Museologist
Number of pieces in the collection: 2,700 pcs, constantly increasing
Online availability: Digital database can be searched locally.
Researchability: The collection can be researched locally, on advanced registration. The collection can only be presented for recording, it is not possible to make a copy of it.

About the collection:

There is mainly manuscript-type material in the collection.

Structure of the collection:

Manuscripts, special editions, newspaper clippings: trade history studies, professional and family biographies of merchants, obituaries, reminiscences, data releases, memorial albums, articles and publications, diploma theses.
Here we also introduce the trade history document copies collected during archival, library, and newspaper archive research.
Here we keep the documentation of trade themed exhibitions and museum events.

Collecting activity:

Trade history studies, professional and family biographies of traders, obituaries, reminiscences, data releases.

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