
A good merchant is the benefactor of the world

Permanent exhibition catalogue

Maybe you wouldn’t even think, but trade also has a history. “A good merchant is the benefactor of the world.” Our publication, Two Centuries from the History of Hungarian Trade, describes the last two hundred years of this profession with a long history, supplemented with colorful, pictorial illustrations. The reader can get acquainted with the history and field of activity of some famous professionals. With locations (fairs, stores, department stores, etc.) where they practiced their craft at a high level. From the book we can learn how trading profession was modernised. How young traders were trained, how vocational education developed in Hungary. In the book, the reader can feel as if he or she is walking among the artefacts, paintings, signboards, scales, commercial school billboards, and old documents evoking the past. The authors point out the important role of the advertising profession, its diverse world. Scrolling through the volume, we can learn about the diverse types of fairs, markets, stalls, shops, and stores, and how department stores developed in the 20th century, and the malls that are still popular with young people today. The book is also recommended for those who want to take part in a nostalgic time travel. Read the story of the Paris Department Store, the Corvin Department Store and the Ant Cooperative.

Authors:  Julianna Kulich -Róbert Török

Price: 1000 HUF. (+ shipping cost)

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