
Tournures and Hooped Petticoats

Fashion and Etiquette in the 19th Century

The book Fashion and Etiquette in the 19th Century presents the fashion magazines of the era, the different stages of the change of clothing, and the most important actors of the Hungarian fashion trade in Pest. The reader also gains an insight into the etiquette of the era and the language of fans, gloves and handkerchiefs used by the ladies. In the publication, you can get acquainted with the fashion trends of the period from the 1840s to the end of the century, mainly the trends related to the national romance. The volume is illustrated with artistic fashion images, contemporary clothes and dance orders. Last but not least, we can find out what the Tournures and Hopped Petticoats mean.

Written by: Kovács Ferenc-Rédei Judit-Tompos Lilla-Török Róbert

Hungarian Museum of  Trade and Tourism, 2010.

Price: 2000 HUF (+ shipping cost)

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